Sabor, Amor, Esfuerzo, is a short documentary that explores Antonio Rivera's experience with his food truck business. It utilizes a series of interviews with Antonio in order to share the story of his immigration experience, the impact of coronavirus on his business and his relationships with his clients during hard times. I chose to make a documentary because it has the purpose of informing, educating and showing another perspective of the world. I have always been interested and inspired by the stories of other people, and Don tonio has a unique story that motivates me to continue fighting every day for my dreams. I have been interested in video and photography for most of my life. Since I came to the United States, I have tried to learn and hone my knowledge. Editing videos has become a part of my life. This time, I want to experiment with documentaries, I want to learn how to transmit stories of people who inspire the world. Always, from a very young age, I have liked to push myself to do new things for fear of failing, but I have learned that by failing you learn and thus you become better. Leaving my comfort zone helps me a lot to move forward to meet my goals. I hope this project is an inspiration for everyone. Believing that something can be achieved, is enough to start doing it. I am grateful to God and to all the people who are supporting me to carry out this project. This documentary will be the beginning of a great adventure.
Andrea Blanco, a Digital Media & Design student at the University of Connecticut, Stamford, is passionate about film and photography. Blanco is from Huaraz, a small town in Peru. Having grown up both next to the mountains and national parks, she has a tremendous love of the outdoors. Five years ago, Blanco moved to the United States to follow her passion for the arts. Andrea's inspiration was her father, a journalist, who liked to capture every moment of her childhood with a camera. She has been through several experiences that took her where she is now. She is always trying to find new ways to create. Her inspirations are culture and nature. She consistently tries to capture valuable moments that will last forever. She believes that the connection with nature brings the best opportunities for an artist. Blanco has also worked as a freelance photographer and filmmaker in collaboration with the well-known Fairfield county filmmaker Julian Jarry. She has also previously worked as an assistant producer for an american YouTube series The Ultimate Expedition.
She is excited to work with different businesses and people and contribute her skills in design and promotion.