Love Letter is a 2D animation short that discusses the topic of grief and closure in a heartwarming tale. The story follows the perspective of the daughter who finds passion in literature through her mom. When the mom suddenly disappears from the girl's life, she learns to find closure with the help from her family.
Eun Sok is a Digital Media Design major with a concentration in Motion Design and Animation with minors in Human Rights and English. As an aspiring creative Motion Designer/Animator, she always held a great passion for visual storytelling. She seeks opportunities to tell heartwarming stories and is always down to collaborate on a project! Eun Sok has numerous experiences working in a collaborative setting, producing promotional content, creating animation shorts, and adapting to new design challenges as a Communication intern, Graphic Design Officer, and Animator throughout her academic career. She welcomes new learning opportunities and hopes to create inclusive visual content so that anyone can appreciate the art she loves!