Time Consuming is a 2D animated short that takes the obnoxious and disruptive things in life (like getting gas and buying food) that get in the way of our goals (like exercise) and brings them into the realm of the absurd. The animation includes a treadmill that melts into another world like quicksand, and a demon that requires you to eat an orange to escape it. My goal was to craft a 2D world based on some of my favorite art conventions like very intentional line weight and exaggerated facial expressions, while also exploring themes of inadequacy based on how effectively our time is used.
Lauren Ruggiero is an illustrator and animator completing a BFA in Digital Media Design at the University of Connecticut. Lauren's goal as an artist is to create 2D illustration work with intentionality, making use of the medium's infinite capabilities by pushing character expressions and environment stylization. Lauren hopes to contribute to the revitalization of 2D artwork in the animation and illustration industry through both comics and character-driven animation.
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