In this short film, Noelle has become emotionally exhausted after contributing years of her life combating police brutality, she has become lost to the point that she cannot differentiate her nightmares from reality. She may have lost her last bit of willpower left in her to fight. American media has labeled the pandemic as an outbreak of racial tensions
, but I challenge the media to call it what it is: racism. Racism, as American as baseball, is consistently overlooked on how emotionally, physically, and mentally draining it is on the Black, Indigenous people of color that have experienced it. The goal of this project is to shed light on the emotional toll it has on the individuals combating racism on the frontlines.
Isaiah E.T. Edwards (he/him) is a content creator born and raised in New Haven, Connecticut. He is graduating in 2021 at the University of Connecticut as a Bachelor of Fine Arts, Digital Media & Design major and Africana minor. He is a Founder of DesignedBlack, Chief Marketing Officer of the UConn Student Television Station (UCTV) and Historian for Brothers Reaching Our Society (BROS). Isaiah's passion for filmmaking began with his first theatrical experience of The Avengers. The ability to bring strangers together in a shared experience is what draws him to filmmaking. Isaiah hopes to bring life to movie ideas that tell diverse and personal stories.