Cardinal North is a 3D animated short about finding purpose. It follows the story of a young woman, Lila, who goes to visit the grave of her recently passed aunt, Mary. While there, a cardinal catches Lila’s attention, drawing her toward the edge of a mystical forest. This story is inspired by a want to spread positivity. In a world that often focuses on everything going wrong, it can be hard to remember things that can go right. I hope this short story provides the audience with a place to explore grief, happiness, and a little bit of magic along the way. This work is completed as a senior project for the University of Connecticut BFA in Digital Media Design with a concentration in 3D Animation.
Carlie Kubisek is a 3D animation student in the Digital Media Design BFA program at the University of Connecticut. She has always had a fascination for animated movies and is now using that passion to create a career. Her work is primarily focused on 3D modeling, hand painted and procedural texturing, and general animation. She is incredibly excited to continue learning and creating as her skills and ambitions continue to grow.