Bird vs Evil is an animated short that takes place in a world where all the color has been sapped away by a greedy deity. In an attempt to restore the vibrancy of the world, a heroic little bird challenges the deity head on. Equipped with a variety of items pulled from his trusty bag, our hero puts his life on the line to restore color to his home.
Parker McKenzie is a University of Connecticut Digital Media and Design major concentrating in Motion Design and Animation. With a love for cartoons and animation that has lasted a lifetime, he strives to create high quality and entertaining work that pays homage to the animation that he identified with throughout the years. During his time at UConn, he had the opportunity to work on several fascinating animated projects, such as a film festival excepted animated documentary and a multi-screen installation outside the Bushnell Center for Performing Arts. In the future, he wishes to create his own animated show like the ones that gave him so much inspiration growing up.