2021 UConn DMD BFA Senior Exhibition

Student Work



Alisia Gruendel

Branford, CT
Concentration: 3D Animation
Advisor: Dan Pejril & Dennis Recchia

2D Animatic
2 min 30 sec

This project embodies a lot of deeper meanings and underlyings themes, not only for me as an artist, but also as a young woman/person. I've always been drawn to ballet, as an art form and to study. I always found it to be incredibly expressive and quite beautiful to watch. Though I myself have never practiced ballet, I found myself expressing my own feelings through my drawings which lead me to an idea around my own greatest struggle: the idea of being good enough. Through my character, I emote my feelings of inadequacy in my craft, despite being an excellent student. I hope to express my own feelings of being uncomfortable in my own body. There are moments though when I can see past all the negativity I cause myself and get out of my head and into my rhythm. By simply doing what I love, I find that I love myself a little bit more; and that is what my character goes through as well.

Artist Bio

I came from a very traditional fine arts-based background. I had very little experience working with heavy duty computer software and programs outside of simple editing. But it never stopped my love for storytelling, which was always at the core of my work. Finding the niche stories and ways to bring them to life is a passion of mine, and is why I chose to become a Digital Media and Design student. There is a freedom and liberation that comes with creating art that I enjoy immensly, and more importantly, share with the world.


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