God Mode is a narrative short film about an otherworldly spirit, named Joseph, that is given the task of monitoring the world for one day. The monitors in which he watches over the world glitches into only viewing the life of one person, Alex.Having your first run on the job, and Joseph is breaking the fourth wall. Luckily Alex’s innocence and personality handles the situation greatly as if its a normal day. The reason I have resonated with this project is because throughout my life. I have had the fortunate opportunity to meet many great individuals in my life. People that view the world with such ease who are great at adapting in different scenarios and always see a solution to a problem.
Manuel Alvarez is a Senior at the University of Connecticut pursuing a BFA in Digital Media Design with a concentration in DIgital Film/Video Production. He grew up in East Hartford, Connecticut where his family stayed after moving from Guayaquil Ecuador. Manuel has always found himself in various activities that bring people closer together. He always loved how his family would support him in his different activities through taekwondo, soccer, and being a guitarist. But what attracted him most was how he loved his family gathering around movie nights. When he speaks about family were also talks about his aunts, uncles, cousins, and grandparents. Would all gather almost weekly to watch a movie they rented on Redbox? Manuel always had the desire to further explore his interests, where he can build his technical and teamwork skills. To further one day be the reason families, friends, or strangers gather to watch a movie just as he did in his childhood. After he graduates Manuel will pursue this path by working for a variety of production sets gaining more experience.
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