Fishtopher, is a pilot episode for an animated series that explores the challenges of its socially anxious titular character, Fishtopher, as they go to university and are met with a relentless group of students wanting him to join their band. Using a wide range of animation techniques, this use of different approaches to filming/designing will help the viewing audience understand Fishtophers emotions throughout the pilot.
Kasimir Comunale is a trans-queer student at the University of Connecticut-Stamford aiming for their BFA in Digital Media Design with a concentration in Motion Design & Animation. Born in New Haven to a videographer father and a crafty mother, making videos and projects from a very young age has given them a keen eye for creation. Passionate about art in almost every different kind of media possible, hybrid workflows are second nature to her. Creation has been an aspect of every part of things he enjoys doing, illustration being a main part of that. Inspired by television throughout their whole life, being a part of media creation is his dream he knows will come to fruition.